Monday, May 18, 2009

Our First Garden

So this year we planted our first garden (As you all know I have a total brown which is pretty much black thumb when it comes to plants). Jeff and I decided that would try and plant a garden this year. Hope it all turns out or the kids might be disappointed. Kenzee and Brody were so excited to get it up and running. Thanks Uncle Kirk for helping us out =). Hopefully the dumb gopher we have will stay out of it.

Our Garden all done =)
Kenzee and Brody working hard

Helping Daddy

Daddy making sure everything is right

Before we planted


  1. Oh that is so fun....what all did you plant? I need to get busy with our garden!

  2. Thats awesome! you will love having a garden. I hate gophers we have a mole. They suck. Good luck:)
