Monday, July 19, 2010

Varoz Family Party

On June 27th we went to the Varoz Family Party at Murray Park. Here are some pictures.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kenzee's Kindergarten Graduation!!!

I know I'm a little slow at posting these. Hey better late then never :). Kenzee Graduated Kindergarten this year. Wow. We are so proud of her. Her school has a fashion show instead of the usual graduation. So she got to dress up in her favorite dress and show off a little. They had a cute little program where the kids sang and then we went back to her class room and had a cookie and watched a slide show that her teacher put together. She also wanted to take some pictures with a couple of her "friends" boys nun the less. Haha! We're in trouble. Anyway here are some pictures for that.